Here are answers to some common questions about planning events at the park. You can view our park rules here: Berkley Riverfront Policies. For more information or to start the event planning process, please contact us here.
Do I need to apply for a park permit for my event?
If you expect attendance of 20 or more people; if you are bringing any type of equipment into the park for your event; if you are going to sell items, seek donations, or charge an admission fee; or if you want to ensure no other organized event will occur during your event, then some type of park permit/contract is required. Click here to fill out the Event Request Form.
How do I go about requesting a park for my event?
Fill out the Event Request Form here. You will be contacted within five business days of your request. All requests are processed in the order in which they are received.
How much will my event cost?
Park permit fees vary based on what is involved with your event. Keep in mind, several other city permits may be required if your event includes tents, food, street closures, etc. If you would like to inquire about those fees, see the Event Permit Checklist for the city department phone numbers.
Does my park permit include a shelter?
At this time we do not have any shelter spaces. There are several picnic tables located throughout the park.
Is there any electricity in the park?
No, electricity is not provided with your park permit. If your event requires power, you will need to secure generators or use battery‐powered equipment.
Are there restrooms at the park?
No. Portable restrooms are the responsibility of the event applicant. Once your event and park space is secured, Port KC can provide you with numbers of portable sanitary unit providers, if requested. It is also the responsibility of the event applicant if portable restrooms are ordered for their event, that the restrooms are removed as soon as their event is over. If portable restrooms aren’t removed, an additional fee may be incurred.
Does my event require insurance?
Most large events will require insurance, commercial general liability with limits of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate, written on an “occurrence” basis, listing Port KC as the additional insured. However, if you keep your event simple, less than 250 people, no large equipment such as tents (larger than 10 by 10), staging, portable restrooms, etc, no athletic type of activities, no concessions, no donations or admission fees , then a hold harmless agreement may be substituted for insurance.
What happens if it rains the day of my event?
Event permits are issued on a rain or shine basis. Refunds are not given for inclement weather. In case of rain, several precautions need to be made by the event coordinator to protect the park grounds and for the safety of the event participants/volunteers. Always have a “Plan B” for adverse weather conditions.
What type of payment is accepted, and when is it due?
Check or money orders are accepted. Payment is due 60 days prior to your event. Once your payment is made, refunds are available up to 10 business days prior to event with written cancellation for authorized organizers. If you are requesting park space less than 60 days out, payment will be due immediately upon approval of the event.